Puerto Escondido's Weather and Climate

The weather in Puerto Escondido during the winter months is ideal. Skies are nearly always cloud-free. We have vacationed for 25 years in Hawaii, the Caribbean, Florida, Baja, and the Yucatan. Never have we experienced such consistently nice weather as we have in Puerto Escondido.

Puerto Escondido precipitation map



One of the first things you will notice is that the ocean temperature around Puerto Escondido is considerably warmer than other vacation areas you may have visited. Winter sea surface temperatures average 28º C, or 82½º F. That's 5½º F warmer than Hawaii and southern Florida, and even slightly warmer than the Caribbean waters.

Puerto Escondido sea surface temperature map

Thanks to the scientists at the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center in Boulder, Colorado, for their data plots. Their Web site is most informative!


Towering cumulous clouds build in the mountains, but in the winter months they rarely affect the weather at Puerto Escondido. This was taken from Eglantina's lower pool, looking towards Zicatela.

Puerto Escondido weather


The following three graphs are compliments of Different World Travel . As you can see, the Puerto Escondido temperatures vary little from month to month. Rain is concentrated from June into October, and usually comes in the form of afternoon thunderstorms. Even during the "rainy season", the mornings are often clear.

Average monthly: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec


Average Maximum/Minimum Temperature
Rainfall and Humidity
temperature graphrain graph


Puerto Escondido Weather Links

The Weather Channel reports Puerto Escondido's current weather, including a 10 day forecast and a satellite image.

The National Weather Service recently began reporting Puerto Escondido's current weather, including a 24 hour summary.

The Weather Underground has a good map showing Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures (SST), along with many tropical weather links.  Note the warm ocean temperatures in the Puerto Escondido area.

